Publicity by Adpathway
Enter your CSS code to compress:
Add up to 10 multiple CSS files (Size Limit: 2MB per file)
Publicity by Adpathway
About the CSS Minifier tool!
CSS is what makes the web look and feel the way it does: the beautiful layouts, fluidity of responsive designs, colors that stimulate our senses, fonts that help us read text expressed in creative ways, images, UI elements, and other content displayed in a myriad of shapes and sizes. It’s responsible for the intuitive visual cues that communicate application state such as a network outage, a task completion, an invalid credit card number entry, or a game character disappearing into white smoke after dying.
The web would be either completely broken or utterly boring without CSS.
Considering the ubiquity of the web, its very low friction (navigate through links, no installation), and its low barrier to entry (internet access on very cheap phones), we will continue to see more people come online for the first time and join millions of other existing users engage on the web apps we are building today.
The less code we ship through the web, the less friction we create for our applications and our users. More code could mean more complexity, poor performance, and low maintainability.
Thus, there has been a lot of focus on reducing JavaScript payload sizes, including how to split them into reasonable chunks and minify them. Only recently did the web begin to pay attention to issues emanating from poorly optimized CSS.
CSS minification is an optimization best practice that can deliver a significant performance boost — even if it turns out to be mostly perceived — to web app users. Let’s see how!